I have been thinking these past few days about my life, and I have come up with some guidelines and lessons that I have learned that may make things easier, not only for me, but for anyone who chooses to try these out. I hope you can use some of these in your life, too.

1. You HAVE to live!You can't just go through life only existing. You have to have fun, but at the same time, stick to the things you value most. Don't be afraid to enjoy life! I have two quotes that are my absolute favorite. The first one is one is by Mark Frost. It says, “Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body. But rather, to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up,totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming .... WOW what a ride.” The other is just as true as the first. Oscar Wilde wrote this next one, "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." Its important to live your life in such a way that you can look back after t's all over and say, "I am completely happy with the way my life turned out."
2. Ignore the people that only want to bring you down! It's not fair to you to let someone ruin your day when you could be absolutely happy. People aren't necessarily smart with their decisions, and they make mistakes. But that's what makes us human! There are billions of people in the world, and for you to let one person bring you down, well, that's just not good. Do what makes YOU happy, and forget about those with the bad intention to turn your frown upside down!
3. Take chances! Don't be afraid to stand out in the crowd. If people don't like you, who cares?! They don't have to live with you. All that matters is that you be the best you that you can be! I have this really cool friend, Karyn, who always said, "Whether you love me or you hate me, I'm still on yo mind." I'm not sure where she got it, but it rings true no matter what. Always remember that even though people may not like you, it doesn't mean you have done anything wrong. Just move on and forget them! You'll be so much happier!

4. Try new things! Go on adventures! There is so much out there to try and taste and do that there is almost a never-ending list. Go on new hikes, or try a new food. If you like it, GREAT! You have something else to add to the list of things you like. If you don't, well, at least you'll know not to do it or try it again. Just keep your values in mind, and don't try things that could harm you in anyway. Stay healthy and active. Get involved in clubs in school or activities in your church or work place. You never know what you'll like until you give it a try!
5. Watch what you do and what you say. Everyone gets angry at one point or another, but we need to remember to not say things that we will regret. I try to watch the things I say because one day, the person I said it to won't be here and I may not have the chance to apologize for it. It's just easier to think before you speak instead of having to go back and correct a mistake like that. As for your actions, don't do anything that your 1st grade self would be ashamed of. It's easy in this society to just go with the flow and doing something that you once told yourself you would never do. Don't get caught up in that. Impress your younger self!
6. Don't rush love! I know that there are so many people out there who don't want to be alone in life and fear being alone. Their natural response it to look for that attention and to feel that love. However, some people find love in the wrong places. Some of the things they think is love, is only a temporary happiness that will leave you feeling worse about yourself than you did before. Let REAL love find you. Don't go searching for a false happiness.
7.Don't hold grudges! It will only make you more miserable than the person that you are holding the grudge against. You just have to forgive and forget, no matter how hard that really is. On the other side, you have to be forgiving of the person with the grudge. Set the better example for other people and show them you can just brush these things off. Sooner or later, the whole incident won't even matter! You will forget all about it when you find the thing that makes you truly happy!
8. Follow your dreams! Don't let anyone tell you that you are not good enough or that you won't be able to do the things you want to do in life. Go after the things you desire! Don't limit yourself to what you know you can do, but go beyond and do those things others deemed impossible! Be the leader of your life and don't let anyone stop you from fulfilling your dreams! If they truly love you, they will support you and not hold you back.

9. Love with all your heart! Your family and friends are the most important. When you find your special someone, love them and hold them tight. Don't let go! Love them for all eternity. Never give up on them and never be afraid to show them how much you love them. Sometimes they may not know it. Fight for them with everything you have and cherish the time you have with them. Don't give them a single doubt of your love for them. Tell them you love them everyday and MEAN IT! Don't just pretend to love them because that hurts worse than leaving them. Be kind to them and let everything you do for them come from the heart. That is where the real prize is.
10. Laugh. A lot! Laughing is good for you! It is also contagious! Just be happy!
I know these things will work if you just apply them to your life. Even if you only use one guideline at a time. Just give it a shot :) It will be worth it!