If you look around the world, you may notice that a lot of people are becoming more and more depressed. Some of this depression is triggered by financial problems, relationship problems, abuse, and some are simply because they don't feel that they fit in. The people that suffer from depression, often try and find a release for that stress. Unfortunately, some of these "solutions" are very dangerous. Cutting and suicide are some of the more serious ones. And, although solitude seems great, it does the same amount of harm. People who have depression may think that they are alone, and that the only thing left to do is harm themselves. This is not true, though. It is important for those with this mindset to realize that there are better, more effective solutions to getting rid of your depression. Let them know they can turn to you and let them know you will be waiting, arms wide open, and ready to help. Reassurance is a priceless gift to someone who needs your comfort.
"Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain."
This is a quote by Kahlil Gibran that I found very inspirational. All we need to do, is give hope to those who have even the slightest hint of depression. It is always important to be there for them. To help them realize that they have so much to live for, and by doing the things that they could be doing to harm themselves, it is not making their situation any better. They need to know that they are so much more than they give themselves credit for. We can never leave those people alone because if we do, things may go to far, and our help is no longer effective. Show them the love that they need.
Great thoughts!